Want to feel happier?

Feeling blah?

As if you don’t understand why you’re bothering?

Does it all feel kind of heavy or dull or treadmill-like?

Here’s an exercise I learned in a positive psychology class I took a few years ago, before I got the chance to volunteer in Bhutan and the “high” that put me on ever since.

You can feel the fever of delight and satisfaction with your world, as it is, no matter how bad things appear to be, no matter how troubled you feel….without spending thousands of dollars or incurring jetlag.

It’s as simple as focusing on the good things that happened to you today, rather than dwelling on the bad.

Herewith, the Three Good Things manifesto.

Every day, sit down and write a list of the three best experiences, interactions, sensations you had.

They don’t have to be big things. They most likely WON’T be big things. Big important things don’t happen every day.

Yesterday, for instance, my three good things were:

1. 645am yoga with Howard at the Y (feels so good to start the day that way)
2. Brainstorming on the phone with Seth (he is so generous with his time, and so wise)
3. Hanging out with Liz before eating that delicious meal she made for the new year (I miss her, and her family)

(A close fourth was hearing from friends who cooked with me at the homeless shelter the night before, and the fifth, my daily swim. It was nice to have too many! But only pick three.)

After you do this for a while, you’ll find yourself making notes throughout the day, and all the little things you experience will compete for a slot on your list:

A smile you caught from a stranger, or the light of the setting sun, or the way your co-worker made you laugh at something ridiculous someone did at work.

Over time, you’ll not only be racing to write this all down each night.

You’ll actually feel better. Because you’ll see how much good stuff is going on each day, and you’ll focus on what’s really important.

I’m going to start tweeting my three things (#3good_things) in the hopes you’ll start tweeting *your three things, and in the larger hope that we can start a movement.

All of this ties back to my book, RADIO SHANGRI-LA, which comes out in February. But we’ll have to stay in touch so you can find out more. For now I’m blogging at https://everythingbhutan.wordpress.com

Pass it on!

Three good things, at once: Bhutanese kittens at a shop near where I used to live in Thimphu. Awwww…..!!!!

3 thoughts on “Want to feel happier?

  1. Sandra Ruch says:

    Love everything I am learning from you about

  2. Andrea says:

    This is a great idea and I am happy to be a part of it, and so that is one of my 3 things for today.

  3. susiekarasic says:

    I love this Lisa–I’m starting my 3 good things list tonight!

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